Timely communication with government and northerners
Goal 1: Timely communication with government and northerners
To ensure the work of Council is relevant and timely, the NADC has a diversified communications strategy and a variety of mediums through which they can engage with the north and with government. Supporting this engagement, the NADC has communications protocols and channels through which key messages are shared internally with government and to northern stakeholders. NADC secretariat work internally to build connections and synergies with the Ministry’s senior leadership and advance the business of the NADC through representation on cross-ministry committees. Council works through the Chair and Minister responsible for Northern Development to advance its work on a political level and throughout the region.
Key Strategies:
- Inform government of emerging issues and trends impacting northern Alberta.
- Identify and implement strategic actions to address critical issues and advance policy objectives.
- Support northern residents and communities in accessing essential services, training and business development opportunities through internal communication on policy development and cross-ministry initiatives impacting the north.
- Encourage dialogue between northern residents, small and medium enterprises, industry, municipalities and Indigenous communities through robust external communication mediums.
- Build Council’s knowledge and timely understanding of the gaps, issues and potential related to industry and community development in northern Alberta.
- Collaborate with other jurisdictions to advance a coordinated approach to the promotion of northern potential and challenges.
Goal 1: Timely communication with government and northerners
Goal 2: Skilled, Educated, Local Workforce
Goal 3: Robust, Diversified Economy
Goal 4: Strong, Vibrant Communities