Bursary Partnership Program

Employers and organizations are encouraged to invest in northern Alberta by sponsoring post-secondary students.

Important dates

Application intake: May 1 to November 30 of each year unless arrangements are made in writing prior to this date. Sponsors may have different deadlines.

Late applications will not be accepted


The Bursary Partnership Program (BPP) brings together sponsors and the Northern Alberta Development Bursary Program with a return of service bursary. The program will match sponsor’s amount of up to $3,500 per student per year. Sponsors must provide all required information each year they want the program to match the funds they provide.

As a Bursary Partner, you can:

  • select an eligible student you wish to sponsor
  • specify the type of training you want a student to have to meet your own or local needs
  • contract with the student to work in northern Alberta for a specified time after graduation
  • hold a return of service agreement with the selected student

Sponsors can provide bursaries to a student for several years or can sponsor a number of bursaries in one year to different students.

Bursary recipient interview

Watch this video of one of our recipients sharing how the bursary changed her life, how the program helps northern communities and why she is a passionate ambassador of the program.


We will match between $1,000 and $3,500 per student (maximum of $1,750 for a half-year program), for a total of $7,000 per student.

Higher matching funds are available for:

Sponsors may provide a bursary amount that is higher than our matching fund limits.

Bursary recipients commit to working in northern Alberta after graduation and can be asked to commit to working for you.

Selected recipients sign a return of service agreement with the Ministry of Advanced Education.


  • Be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person.
  • Resident of Alberta for 12 consecutive months before the start of your program.
  • Have applied or enrolled in a full-time, post-secondary school designated for provincial funding.
  • Registered in a program that is at least 12 weeks in length for half of a bursary or 16 weeks for a full bursary.
  • Plan to live and work in northern Alberta upon completion of your program and sign a return of service agreement.
  • 18 years of age or older.
  • Not in an apprenticeship program.
  • Must not be in default of a provincial student loan.
  • Have reasonably good prospects for employment in northern Alberta after graduation.


Students cannot receive the NADB, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Bursary, Northern Student Teacher Bursary or the Bursary Partnership Program during the same academic year.

You can apply for all the bursaries you are eligible for, but if selected for more than one bursary, you will be contacted to determine which bursary you would like to proceed with.

Return of service commitment

Every student selected to receive a BPP must sign a return of service agreement. The agreement commits the student to live and work within the program area for a specified amount of time upon graduation, based upon the total value of the bursary. Return of service is based on one month of full-time employment for every $500 of total bursary support. For example: A combined $4,000 bursary has a return service commitment of 8 months of full-time employment.

If selected, the Program Administrators will follow up with students to monitor them up to the completion of their return of service commitment. If students do not fulfil their obligation, they will be asked to repay the funds provided from the Ministry of Advanced Education.


Advanced Education cannot recover funds on behalf of a sponsor if a student does not fulfill their return of service obligation.

How to become a sponsor

If you are interested in being a sponsor, download a Sponsor Application form and email it to us. For more information, contact us.

How sponsors proceed

Step 1. Advertise for applicants

Businesses and organizations usually use one of the following methods to select students:

  • advertising in local newspapers, websites or social media
  • advertising through high schools, colleges, universities and technical schools

You can also ask the program administrators to recommend a student based on the sponsor's eligibility criteria. When possible, you will be connected with an eligible student who has applied through the other bursary programs.

Step 2. Selecting your recipients

The sponsor or sponsor designate will accept and review all the eligible applications received.

The applicant must have an arm’s length relationship to the sponsor. This means that the student must not be related to the sponsor, and that the selection of the student is completed through impartial means.

The sponsor or sponsor designate will select the applicants that best meet the criteria advertised.

Step 3. After selecting your recipient(s)

Selected students must complete a Bursary Partnership Program Student Application form fully and answer the essay questions clearly and concisely.

Selected students may be asked to sign a return of service agreement with the sponsor.

The sponsor completes the Request for Matching Funds form.

Step 4. Email the application and matching funds form

Email the documents to: bursariesnad@gov.ab.ca

Step 5. Final eligibility review

The Program Administrators will verify the student has not received other funds from the program for the same academic year.

Once the student receives, signs and returns the agreement and confirmation of enrolment is received, the sponsor will be advised the application has been approved.

The sponsor releases their funds to the student.

Advanced Education releases their funds.


Connect with the program administrators:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed 12 to 1 pm and statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-624-6545
Email: bursariesnad@gov.ab.ca